Radicals In The Ranks

For all the political divides in Western society the one thing we all agree upon is our mutual resentment of the radicalism that defines many Middle Eastern countries. We look with disdain upon men who treat women as second class. We mock governments that mete out anachronistic justice. We detest those that regard democracy as[…]

Lessons the Royal Wedding

Forget Alistair Stuart and other TV commentators. Avid followers of mine on Twitter and Facebook will have seen my running commentary throughout the Royal nuptials. One woman even reported her husband reading out my tweets as they were coming through while she was watching the proceedings. So what lessons have I learnt watching this history[…]

Smile! Theres Always Tomorrow

A while back, while sitting at home in Toronto, visiting my dear father who is regrettably unwell, I wrote a heart-felt blog entry reflecting my thoughts and emotions at the time. Exactly four months have passed and there have been highs and lows. A high moment came in February when more than five hundred people[…]