Pesach Cleaning or OCD?

It’s that time of year again. By the time Passover rolls around, many a woman will sit at the Seder table with calloused hands. Men meanwhile will find the mounting pile of paperwork at the office over these next few weeks a welcoming sight. Of course no one has benefitted more Pesach cleaning than the[…]

Bullying – Stamp It Out!

Barack Obama admitted at a conference recently that he was bullied as a child. Addressing a bullying-prevention conference at the White House, the US President said that he was picked on as a child mostly because of his big ears and unorthodox name. “I didn’t emerge unscathed. But because it’s something that happens a lot,[…]

The Tragedy in Itamar

Anyone with a modicum of emotion could not help but be moved to tears by the devastating news of the massacre of the Fogel family in Itamar, Israel. The perpetrators of this atrocity are the lowest form of humanity – cowards in the extreme. To brutally murder a toddler and a newborn baby makes one[…]

Having A Bad Day?

I don’t typically tend to pass on those random emails one gets – especially those that promise you good luck if you forward it to ten other people, or bad luck if you break the chain. But there is one I received recently a near family member that really tickled my fancy. I don’t know[…]

Anti Semitism: Reality Check

It’s open season on Jews again. In just two most recent breaking news items, high ranking officials in different parts of the world were reported to have issued disturbing Anti Semitic tirades. A lawmaker in Chile, Senator Eugenio Tuma, publically condemned Interior Minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter, who is Jewish, as an activist and militant for the[…]